Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Embarassing but True

I love Golden Spoon - almost as much as my wife. It is literally 3 minutes from out apartment.

We just got reaquainted with it recently after a few month hiatus from our addiction. Every time we go, I see the same clerk working at the counter. He recognizes us [more often just me since I am the one picking some frozen yogurt up for my hard working spouse:)] and he even starts our order as we, er... rather I walk to the counter.

Anyway, I have had some chit chats with him now and then - even talked with him about the Da Vinci Code when it came out LAST YEAR. But the sad reality is, I had never known his name. And I haven't really been praoactive in getting to know him - yeah, God loves him too Kerr.

So... who knows how many trips we have made to GS and how many times I have looked him in the eyes and made small talk... so it is with embrassment I share with you - I JUST asked him tonight what his name was. All this time, and I FINALLY asked him his name.

We talked a little about his ethnic background and reason for his name - and I shared how my name was spelled like a girls and was my parents way of "building character". We laughed and said good bye.

I sat in my car and finally prayed for my new/old aquaintance... by name.

It's a start... an embrassingly long time to get his name but God seems to be pretty patient with me and with him.

Anyone you need to be embrassed over? Don't worry - it isn't that bad.

Get to know people's name, it's a first step.

"So we have stopped evaluating others by what the world thinks about them. Once I mistakenly thought of Christ that way, as though he were merely a human being. How differently I think about him now! What this means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!" - 2 Cor 5.16-17

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