Thursday, January 18, 2007

How You Can SHARE Through Your S.H.A.P.E - Part 2 of 6

S - SPIRITUAL GIFTS – How can I SHARE through my spiritual gifts?

If you have never figured out what your spiritual gifts are, I would suggest discovering them [if a Saddleback member]
by taking a spiritual gift test available through most Christian bookstores.

To those with the gift of evangelism:
First things first, we want to address a common misunderstanding about having the gift of evangelism. “It’s not MY spiritual gift” is often the response to those who don’t feel like they can share the good news but the bible says the gifted evangelist is given the responsibility of equipping and teaching other believers!

Ephesians 4:11-12 (NLT)

"[God] is the one who gave these gifts to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ…"

So if this is YOU, you may have a new sense that you are called to equip the people around you to be prepared to share!

To those who have other spiritual gifts:
Congratulations! You can be a witness through using your spiritual gifts, even indirectly. Here are some ways you can be a witness to people:

  1. Your excitement - When you are using your gifts people see your excitement about your faith – it testifies about God’s design and desire for purpose. Your sharing of your experiences can be a testimony!
  2. Your sacrifice - When you are using your gifts people see your time commitment to serve others and it tells them about your priorities in life.
  3. Your impact – People want to make a difference in this world that lasts. If your neighbors see or hear about your serving adventures and the life changes or social injustices that are addressed by your service – this bears witness to God’s work!

So be bold and courageous in letting others know how you enjoy serving. It may open up some great opportunities [Gal 6.9-10].

Next up: Part 3 - Sharing through your Heart - what you are passionate about.

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